Several murders have take place throughout Kolkata for which a serial killer is believed responsible . The murderer strikes in accordance with verses of country names which she leaves next to the victims . Mainly the 1st 6 prostitutes was killed normally . After that she started destroying families . The crime branch was baffled. Chief inspector struggled to solve the case with his 2 assistant . Due to this unsolved threat media started giving pressure on Govt. . As a consequence lost the case and handed it over to one of the best consultant detective . In the otherhand this is a story of an ex Naxal comrade . She became mentally unstable due to past life traumas that haunted her in a daily basis . She worked in post-office . For some serious abnormalities no one companied her . Her only companion was her dead elder brother who groomed little in the ideology of Marxism . Due to this loneliness , flash backs of past sequences and more over failure of Naxal movement turned her into psychotic serial assassin . In the end part of the story the investigatior collected a bunch of datas that concludes main victims of that particular serial killer was ex Naxal leaders and their families . pointed an ex Naxal comrade who was still alive . tried to kill and caught red handed . In the conclusion we get to know some incidents and causes that turned a normal woman into a serial killer . tried to apply the murder weapon on . But the assistant of the detective shooted her . tried a lot to found who was behind this strong murder weapon . How did get those . § figured some symbols with her symbols and died .